Friday, September 21, 2007


THis is the best looking CUPCAKES i have ever Seen!!!

Cute and colouful!

WOW, the CUPCAKES are so tasty and colourful!!!!


TODAY is the birthday of MBF. The small yet 'very meriah' gathering were shared and hosted by MBA at his bachelor pad. Other guests were the birthday girl herself, Mr KL, Mr. A, Mr. H and of course myself. Mr. F was invited but couldnt make it at the end due to work commitment whereas our 'oppa' Mr. S is having some visits from relatives. had a hillarious and wonderful time. as they always say, its the company that mattters. whether the bachelor pad would be as posh as Mr. H has expected, i am not sure ;-). takpe ye Mr H, i promise next time kita p tempat posh k ie. Mr. H fav place KLCC starbucks!

So Happy Birthday girl!!!!Love you lots! may our friendship last forever and thank you for being my MBF.

To MBA, you are indeed the best host ever...;-)

Have a great weekend guys!!!

Mom, im coming home!


MBA said...

Love the second pic. Well, thats a cup cakes. Macamana pun, baju "mengandung" tu, nkau kena bakar ok.

Anonymous said...


indeed a vey warm reception for MBF. (@)cupcakes were good.


Pretty Over said...

hahahahaahahah..amboi dengki nampak! hehehe...tunggu, everytime i go to ur place, akan aku pakai !!!

MBA said...

Its a cup cakes that doesn't look like a cup cakes...its more like a muffin! Tipah teripu la nkau.

chocpot said...

thanks so much! ure always close to my heart :)

p/s: loved the MBA-and-MBF-bring-his/her-own-definition-of-cupcakes-and-debate-the-characteristics lit by lantern candles.. no sakit perut as yet -- so i guess the wax IS edible. somewhat. heheee.

p/p/s: but babes, they DO taste like cupcakes :)

p/p/p/s: 3 different cake types from 3 people for ONE little do.. you love me THAT much?? :)

Unknown said...


hahahahha now u know la!!!

i still think my cupcakes is the bomb!

MBA said...

U mean yr "terenchat muffin"? Yes, it is nice though.

Anonymous said...

Its her birthday!!1 she can have cupcakes looking cupcakes and cupcakes not looking like cupcakes...

In Summary...