Monday, September 24, 2007


WATCHED this yesterday with the usual suspects. i actually have mixed reviews on this as i had high expectation on this movie. however, i think it was a bit let down for me. the story is simple, a bit draggy the first hour and managed to pick up the pace abt 20 minutes towards the end. also i wish that 'uncle Tan' impact in the story to oohm and family/work before he regain his memory is subtantial enuff to show the audience that he is significantly invaluable to them and very very special.

self rating:6.5/10


Anonymous said...

draggy being the operative word. just realised the purple shoes..

Pretty Over said...

me love the purple shoes!

Anonymous said...

6.5 of 10? huh

anyhow-enjoy enveryone!

Mr 3F.

Unknown said...

dah tu? a bit slow la cerita nya...