Friday, August 17, 2007

Rain in Sydney!!!


MBA said...

Mana bunga matahari on the ski cap dia? Serious tak tahan dgn posting nkau!

Pretty Over said...

hahahahah sebab tu la ianya blog aku yang diva macam aku!

helow its rain okay! suka!!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Abs mengancam beb! Terus tergugat keimanan aku... cheh!

gravtkills said...

its hot and sunny...i dont see no rain

Unknown said...


hahahahha, me love love love Rain!


helow!!! its rain in sydney!!! yayayyayayayya!

chocpot said...

but babes whats wit the ski cap in the hot sun in bondi? SERIOUSLY...

Unknown said...


when RAIN wears it, nampak kena and so like confident kan...apa apapun he is the first asian model for giorgio armani and dapat cover for europe vogue mag..enuff said!!!

btw, thats not ski cap, tu macam topi aje k...see the material bukan wool k..;-)

RAIN, u rocks!!!