IF you are in the loop of WORLD news then you would know that in Afghan, the Talibans are killing the korean hostages one by one if their demands are not met. as of today, 2 civilians have been executed.
what do we do? what do we do? what does the world do?
Is there any particular interest with the Korean hostages? Bukan before this there were numbers of hostages from other nationalities were taken as a hostage by the Taliban kan?
i know tapi time tu mungkin i havent got a blog yet or i didnt read the papers..
but my heart goes to all yang terkorban..
Sudah...rain rain go away.....
Apa Korean tu buat kat sana? Cari Uranium ke?
Petmen, tak baca paper ker?
some of them mubaligh kristian and like aid workers! amboi cari uranium? ade ker?
rain rain come here and stay
of all the places...they wanna spread christianity err sorry i mean do aid work in taliban country...mai malaysia kan senang sket
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