Wednesday, January 30, 2008


What i think....

I think sumtimes when one is perceived as a happy happy jovial person 98% of her life people forgot that one still have feelings inside which sumtimes can be easily bruised. We may look tough and hard as rock but we still feels sumthing, inside. it is called sensitivity.

I think sumtimes as much as we tried to avoid this, there are times that we can be misunderstood by others especially suprisingly tho those who are close to us than strangers. Its pretty amazing, really...

I think people sumtimes can make a hoohaa on things that you do no matter how big or small as long as it becomes a failure at one point or people's feelings were accidently bruised at some point of time. or worst, people just make hoohaa no matter what you do. But if people themselves did it then other people may not even blink or give it a second thought. People even gives excuses.

I think sumtimes we care so much of other people. What do others think of us? how to make other peoples happy? do we do this right kinda question before actions, but when much to our suprise, we get ridiculed to a point when you said to urself, why do I even bother. a good fren said that it is a good quality to have. somehow i think its better not to care that much as you wont get hurt as much. its back to basic-balance.

I think sumtimes its hard to be fair to others. You want people to listen to you but sumtimes you never tried hard enough to listen to what other people want or have to say.

I think it sucks to pretend to others what you are not for the reasons requested by others who are significant in your life (fair enuff, its your choice). however, how you wish for that one person to be honest and forward at all times when you are alone, to try to put his/her pride aside for someone or something worth fighting for maybe, which in time may become what matters in your life. why between you and me, you still have to pretend?

i think the next approach is not to give so much attention to details and try not to take it personal with people who are close to us. if they dont call you as often then fine. if they never ask you out for dinner for some time, let it be. maybe they are busy. if people dont include you in trips, gathering or parties, maybe they just missed your name in the guest list. if they hurt you with words which am sure the intention was not to hurt you or 'sarcasmic' or sumthing like that, forgive them and tell yourself, you are not perfect either. you hurt people too, we can, we human certainly can without us realising it so, so yeah forgive them its the best thing to do.

I think what makes us happy is when you see other peoples happy. Some mushy scenes or any display of affection in public may come as a yucky or a disease to some people, I still despite being cynical sumtimes, think its a sweet gesture as long as it is done appropriately depending on its surroundings.

I think good friends in life doesn't come as often as you want it to be. Keep those close to you and always cherish the moments together.

I think people who welcomes drastic change in life are people who are brave and willing to take chances. I hope that other people will give this people a chance to proof to themsleves and to others that they can.

I think people need time to adjust on things. People change all the time yes but some old habit dies hard. Give them a chance and who knows things might change for the better.


Anonymous said...

I do agree with some.. the level on sensitivity depends on individual. At times, 2 person might not have the same level of sensitivity and ideals of a relationship. When this defers, the person who is more sensitive might be frustrated. He/She might need to choose to let loose and let go... but its a definate compromise for both to meet in the middle.

My question next is how compatible is compatible? How much can you compromise of you ideals or traits that you very much like in your partner? As much as you need to focus on the prime and important binding factor, there needs to be a fit.

Unknown said...

of course. nobody are the same. god makes us that way. each and everyone of us are different, we are being given the most complex brain to think, that what makes us the most special creation.

i believe that in any relationship, brothers sisters, between frens, colleagues,or even bf and gf, everyone must find a common ground, a fit, i guess that y people have their talk, to clarify things and make it better.

that question, how compatible is compatible, is very subjective.

but i think if you are with your partner, than you can feel it, then you will know ;-)

Anonymous said...

i guess the bottom line is who makes you happy most. It could be your friends at times, your family and your partner. Who you can share those happiness fits the binding factor.

chocpot said...
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chocpot said...

hehe.. i think you were rambling in this posting so allow me to go off on a tangent as well..

hmm i think this is addressed to a doesnt-make-sense-all-sunshiny-and-lovely kinda relationship, the kind of relationship where you do the oddest things you have no good reason doing.. im taking a chilled out approach to romantic relationships at the mo so im not really computing all this.. oops.

as to other types of relationships, people do what they want to do -- you cant stop them, you cant make them do things because you want them to, people do strange things at times. yah, it would hurt at first but try not let it get to you. reasonable people have viable reasons for acting the way they do. or they dont. whatever way it is, how can YOU change that?

my point -- there should be a ceiling for sensitivity.

i think one should always try get a different perspective and look at the bigger picture. weigh what you are being sensitive about against how it fits in the big picture.

if one easily lets go of a friendship due to a relatively minor issue, think how "precious" that friendship was in the first place. likewise in love.

sometimes, as hard as it is, its better off to be less sensitive. its emotionally draining.

disclaimer: AS ABOVE
(read: i might be talking crap. whatever!)

emotionally unavailable,
chocpot ;p

Unknown said...

heheh thanks chocpot for the review. me loving it.

i think after taking this approach, am more rasional and more calm towards things.

MBA said...

Thank god for that.