Thursday, June 7, 2007


i know am very slow in terms of the current hit songs or singers or artists or movie for that matter. but MBF insist that she was the one who introduced me to Rivermaya when i swear that i already knew them way before from MTV! babe serious i ade astro channel ni babe!

but love love love the videoclip!!!!! its simple yet sweet! love it! so here it is Balisong for you! enjoy! i also attach here the lyrics for easy reference!


Artist - Rivermaya
Album - Various Songs
Lyrics - Balisong

Your face lights up the sky on the highway.
Someday, you'll share your world with me someday.
You mesmerize me with diamond eyes;
I try to fool myself to think I'll be alright.
But I am losing all control -
My mind, my heart, my body and my soul

Never in my life have I been more sure,
So come on up to me and close the door.
Nobody's made me feel this way before;
You're everything I wanted and more.

To speak or not to; where to begin.
The way dilemmas I'm finding myself in.
For all I know you only see me as a friend.
I try to tell myself wake up fool; this fairy tale's got to end.

'Never in my life have I been more sure,
So come on up to me and close the door.
Nobody's made me feel this way before;
You're everything I wanted (more).' (Repeat 2x)

You're everything I wanted

So, enjoy love RICO!!! cherish this life guys!!!!


jumpingondbandwagon said...


Balisongs in tagalog lagi gempaks lah.

Unknown said...

watev JODB! ;-) ye ker me havent listen, shall google later!

jumpingondbandwagon said...

but its quite hard for you lah kut ko paham ker tagalog cam aku memang aku master in few languages

constance wong said...

Hey...will call you Monday when I'm back in the office ya...:) I've changed to prepaid so I'm even more stingy than before now!

chocpot said...


takat dengar "way before" n tak follow up u dont get to claim anything. just because u recently realise blanco is cute on utube doesnt mean u automatically love them (read: him) since "way before"

stick to rain ok



anyway i think the chick is superhottt :)

Unknown said...


watevs!!! i seriously heard him way before k!

which chick? mwhahahahahahahah!

gravtkills said...

Rico Suave?

Unknown said...

blanco rico!!!

chocpot said...

patut laa.. diff vid. this is the one wit the superhottt chick -- mariana renata:

gravtkills said...

blanco tu the famous mexican football player tu

chocpot, mariana is indon kan

Unknown said...


mariana is indon!

blanco is cutie!

me pretty!